We took our second trip to Disney World yesterday. The first time was 19 months ago when my daughters were 2 years 8 months old (Grace) and 13 months old (Ella). Grace is now 4 and a few months and Ella is 2 and a half.
It's not a surprise how much changes in 19 months, especially with kids so little. But when I think about what they were like the first time we were there and watch how they were this time, it really drives the point home.
First time at Disney, Ella could barely walk. We've got video of her taking 4 or 5 steps before flopping down into my wife sitting cross-legged on the floor followed by everyone celebrating like it was New Years Eve. Tonight, we raced from the car to the room so she could get to the potty before it was too late. That's another big change. Last year, diapers. This year we had to get of 3 or 4 lines at just the wrong time.
The changes with Grace were also just as apparent. Last year, we waited on line for 30 minutes and met Mickey and Minnie. She was thrilled (although the video does show I may have been more excited at the moment than she was). This year, we had breakfast with 5 princesses, waited on line to meet 3 more and made reservations 6 months ago for tomorrow's makeover at the Bippity Boppity Boutique. Which will cost me $100 on top of the $50 Sleeping Beauty dress we had to buy her to go along with the transformation.
I love the changes. I love how they're growing. I love how excited Ella gets every time she makes it to the potty in time. And I also love every word that she still mispronounces (be-rella for umbrella). I love that Grace now tells me exactly how she wants her ice cream and won't eat it any other way. And I love that she still falls asleep exhausted laying on my chest at the end of the day.
But I know there are also things that I've loved about them that they've grown out of. Things that I can remember how adorable they were which they won't be doing any more. I'd never want to freeze them in time. But sometimes, I wish I could.
And then, when Ella finally said "umbrella" yesterday and I said "Aww, now I'm sad. You're getting to be a big girl", Grace replied with "It's okay, Dada. I'll always love you"